From our Colombian farm to millions of coffee cups in the United States, ARA Coffee Growers is committed to expanding specialty coffee consumption while empowering coffee farmers to increase their earnings by streamlining the coffee journey into the US Marketplace.
We are replicating the journey that our co-founder Jairo Arango (Juan) implemented to position Don Mateo’s no. 1 specialty coffee in Europe, with more than 60 tons sold in this region.
Migrant himself, Jairo left Colombia in 2002 and founded La Tienda de Juan to promote Don Mateo coffee in Switzerland. His approach enabled him to vertically integrate by owning a coffee brand and proprietary coffee farms, including San Rafael, La Ilusión, and Corozal, located in Samaria in Filadelfia Caldas, a rich coffee-growing history.
Our farms are part of Colombia's six Farming landscapes classified as Coffee Cultural Landscapes by Unesco's World Heritage Convention. They signify a hundred-year-old tradition of coffee cultivation in small plots in the high forest, where farming techniques have adapted to challenging mountain conditions while preserving ancestral Antioquian/Spanish colonization architecture.
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Coffee is our passion

Beauty in Red

21750 Hardy Oak Blvd Ste 104, San Antonio TX, 78258-4946
+1 (512) 6459741